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Writer's picture: Connie MillerConnie Miller

Your love for me is invasive! The moment I called upon you Jesus; and, let you into my heart, was the moment your love began to do its invasive work.

My enemy, Satan and his infantry of imps had taken me as a prisoner of war. Lies and deception were their brainwashing tools.

I was a prisoner held captive by the seduction of sin, but your fierce love for me made you determined to set me free. You have ransomed me. You paid for my freedom. You crucified what I couldn’t crucify; Myself! You took that old sin nature and immersed it with you into death. You then raised me to a new life, with a divine nature, in perfect union.

Your love has aggressively attacked all the cancerous lies sifting through my soul. Through reading your living Word, the layers of deception are exposed! Your invasive love peels me like an onion, showing me my new heart. You are determined to take back all the territory of my soul that I have allowed my enemy to intrude upon.

Your invasive love woos and captivates me. I cannot help but be drawn to a love like this. I was created by you and for you. You are love! This love is not a characteristic of who you are, but it is the very essence of what you are! You cannot do anything but love me.

Your invasive love merges with me creating a powerful, confident warrior. I am no longer a captive in the enemy’s camp. I am a free by your incredible, invasive love!!

Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.


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