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Writer's picture: Connie MillerConnie Miller

My Dear Children,

You are the beautiful bride of My son, Jesus! I have readied you for the day that you see your groom face to face. Still, some of you are not completely convinced of this truth. Deep inside there is a stronghold, a lingering lie that keeps whispering, “who you are is not enough. You must do more; you must be more to be fully accepted.”

Let me ask you, what makes a person ready to meet face to face the Lord God who is a consuming fire? Is there anything you can possibly do on your own that would cause you to not be consumed by My Holy fire? No!

During your life, it is I, the Father of the Bride, who has prepared you for the day when you would be ready to surrender your heart to Jesus, you’re Groom. In that moment, you were legally married and made ready for the day you would fully see your Groom. There is nothing left for you to do but there is much for My Holy Spirit to do.

Part of the work of the Holy Spirit living in you is to convince of who you already are so that you will manifest My love, My glory, My power, and authority every place your foot treads. You are a completely new creation on the inside, and I need you to walk in complete freedom so that you may bring others into freedom.

There is one specific area that keeps many of you from walking in liberty and in this season, I am destroying that bondage. What the enemy has purposed for this season, I have used to break My people free.

Many have felt put into a prison where they have lost their freedom. But what seems to be happening in the natural is actually a reversal in the Spirit realm. My people are breaking free of the religious system that has been engrained in them.

My Children, you are the Ekklesia. You are My Called-Out Ones, the great assembly. You are the house of the living God. Everywhere you go, and anywhere you gather you bring the house of God with you. It is not a place that you go to. It is who you are! I need you to see this.

Many of you have spent years going to a place called “church” thinking that is what pleases me. You have been trained by a system that looks a certain way, and when it looks different than that, you feel you are not doing what I want.

When you are bound to a system, the power that I desire to release through you is hindered. The Church is just a building, but the Ekklesia is the ark of the covenant here on earth. You are My divine agency, legislating heaven on earth and the gates of hell will not prevail against you.

This is the season that I am breaking you free of your perceptions of what things should look like when you gather together. I am retraining your thinking from doing Church, to being the Ekklesia.

With this mindset, you will be leading others out of darkness into the light. You will be encouraging, edifying and building people up everywhere you go until the day I call you home.

I Love you,

Daddy God

Matthew 16:18

18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my Ekklesia, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.


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