The tree of the knowledge of good and evil represented death. Even the good is death on that tree because it is our own efforts to have life apart from God. It is trusting in our own abilities rather than God's ability.
The tree of life represents Jesus. It is living through His life and being led by the Spirit. It is about a relationship and being part of an eternal family.
A believer can still think according to the tree of knowledge (the flesh). Old behaviors can resurface but that person is still living through the tree of life, which is Jesus. This is why we must be careful to say someone is or isn't a believer.
Death thoughts (the tree of the knowledge of good and evil) were very prevalent in me for several years after I first believed. It was all about trying to be good and judging myself harshly when I failed. I was laboring all the time, and I was worn out.
Today, death thoughts can still pop up, but it's nothing compared to the past. Now that I recognize the Holy Spirit speaking in me, the thoughts are stifled much quicker.
God has never wanted us to live by right and wrong, good, and bad. He has always wanted us to live in continual fellowship and intimacy through relationship. The New Covenant has made that possible because we are now His dwelling place through the Holy Spirit, and we can never walk away from Him. To turn His back on us would be to turn His back on Himself because He lives in us, and we know this cannot happen. Praise Jesus!!!