Do you have good time management or does time master you? We have all been given the same 24 hours in a day and I have learned that when you don't manage those hours in a deliberate way, you do not seem to have time for anything. Time, then becomes your master, and when something is your master, other than the Lord, that master will speak to what is weak in you.
Time, as your master, will lie to you allowing you to think you have plenty of it. You then procrastinate and put off what you should be doing, today! When you are not manager of your time, God-given passions and desires are replaced with desires of the flesh. Laziness and complacency take over because we have allowed time to tell us we can't handle to many things at once, when the real issue is our lack of intentional planning of our time and ordering our days. So, when something unexpected comes our way, since we haven't managed our time with the predictable day-to-day tasks, and the things we should be doing to stay healthy mentally, physically, and spiritually, we crumble and become extremely overwhelmed.
Time, as your master, will tell you that you don't need to have a consistent sleep pattern and eating pattern. Your master, time, has trained you well through the longings of your flesh. You will find yourself staying up late on a Saturday night and then want to sleep at a very important time, when the Body of Christ gathers and the equipping happens.
Time, as your master, will tell you that God will make His plans for you happen automatically, in His timing, without deliberate planning, steps, and actions on your part. When you are a good manager of your time, you set goals and deliberately plan how to accomplish those goals, and then you take action. When you are a good manager of your time, every day and even every hour should have an assignment. Even if it is rest, that should be an assigned, planned time.
Time, as your master, will decide your priorities. When you are good manager of your time, you tell time what is priority, you tell God what is priority, and you tell the world what is priority.
Time, is a gift from God and we are to deliberately manage it well. There are multitudes of people who have gone to their grave with untapped potential and dreams that were never birthed because of the illusion time gave them as their master. There are relationships that were not mended, built and even born because time was always master. Time is whispering in our ears 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, "manage me well, or I will be master over you."
Do you want to be one of the people who come to the end of their life thinking they had more time and asking themselves, "Where did the time go? Why didn't I do what I always dreamed about? Why did I not say what I should have? Why did I not reach out more to those I love? Why did I not answer the call?" The answer will be the same as it always has been from the Lord when a person asks these questions;
"I gave you the gift of time, the same 24 hours I have given each and every person to accomplish all I set you out to do, and even things for your enjoyment. I was there to help you manage every hour, every moment. I was there to help you order and number your days. You thought you were waiting on Me, but I was waiting on you to plan and take action. But, you allowed time to order you and it became your master."
Today is the day, the hour, the moment to start being a good manager of your time. Manage the gift God gave you well, and you will be surprised at all you will be able to accomplish. You are more than capable of being a good manager of your time!
Psalm 90:12 "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."